Over 20+ years we help companies reach their  branding and digital marketing goals. Magic Image is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



House # 405, Rd # 29, Mohakhali DOHS, Dhaka - 1212, Bangladesh.


+880 01713 20 08 46

// About Company

Your Partner for

Fresh from its inventive neuron cells, magic image serves its contents. We hand l e all the neat little details related to visual media, from communication design to feeding eager markets. From our quirky creative looms, al l stars have buzzing ideas. To appease hungry eyes, we then create the visions w it h pixels.

Since its inception in 2001, it has been working with a diverse range of clients both domestically and interna­tionally and has quickly expanded to target several visual media, including television, print, and screens.

Relationship building is important to Magic Image. Re­gard less of the circumstance, It takes verbal suggestions.

We can help to maintain and modernize your IT infrastructure and solve various infrastructure-specific issues a business may face. We are trused.

video showcase
// what we offer

We Offer a Wide Variety of Services

Magic Image offers comprehensive solutions for businesses seeking expert guidance in the ever-evolving world of technology. With a team of highly skilled professionals, we provide strategic advice and practical solutions to help organizations optimize their IT infrastructure, streamline processes, and enhance overall efficiency.

Magic Image is the partner of choice for many government- and private-leading enterprises, SMEs, and technology challengers. We help businesses elevate their value through custom software development, animation, business development, TVC/OVC, documentary, product design, QA, and IT consulting services.

Meet our Magicians

Our Leadership Team

They are our great leaders like magicians. They have been leading us efficiently for the last 20 years.

Tajia Sabina


Yasin Reza

Chief Executive Officer
// We’ll help you test bold new ideas while sharing your.

Let's Build Your Innovative Ideas!